by Simon Clarke

Tomorrow Schools Review

The Ministry of Education is conducting a significant review on how our Education system is shaped. They are just ideas at the moment but if implemented they could see the end of Board of Trustees as we know them, Intermediates, all children having to go their local school and many many more. Below are the links to get more information and how to provide feedback.

The report by the Tomorrow’s Schools Independent Taskforce Our Schooling Futures: Stronger Together \ Whiria Ngā Kura Tūātinitini was released in December 2018. The Independent Taskforce is now very keen to receive feedback from as many people as possible to help complete their final recommendations.
Public consultation on the report is now open and we really encourage school staff, board members, PTA members, parents, whanau and the wider school community to have their say on the future of our schooling system….
 The Taskforce will be holding public consultation meetings around the country, starting on Thursday, 14 February and finishing on the 27th March. We really encourage everyone to come along to these events and find out more about the report and its proposals. The full schedule is now available on the website (venues will be added for events as they are confirmed)

  • An online survey which canvasses opinion on each of our 32 recommendations is now available and will remain open until 31 March 2019
  • Postcards: for students, families and anyone that just wants to briefly ‘have their say’ on a recommendation or the full report. Postcards will be available at the public meetings.
  • An 0800 for Oral submissions will be available from 11 Feb. Call 0800 FOR TSR to leave your thoughts on the future of our schooling system.
  • Formal written submissions about our report can be sent to:

Consultation closes 7 April 2019. We want everyone to have their say and we want to do our very best to listen carefully to what is said.
From the Independent Taskforce
Bali Haque (Chair), Barbara Ala’alatoa, Mere Berryman, John O’Neill and Cathy Wylie