Logo Kaikorai School by Simon Clarke

Principal's Message

What a great start to the year!

"What a great group of kids we have got this year" has been a common phrase that I have heard from teachers in the first three weeks of school. 

It has been a very settled and happy playground with cricket, soccer and imaginary games being the favourite of many.   The classrooms are also a hive of activity and learning and everyone appears to have settled back into the routines of school very well.  We are really proud to see the Kaikorai students living by the Kaikorai School values.  

Thank you to all the parents who have ensured their child is wearing a school hat.  We are expecting more hats next week and will let you know when they arrive.

This terms focus is on the value of Kindness with an emphasis on the environment.  Please read the syndicate news section to learn more about what your child's focus is. 

The teachers spent their teacher only days investigating how we can incorporate more STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) concepts into the schools learning programme.  It was a very interesting and challenging day and the teachers are looking forward to bringing their learning back into the classrooms.  Many thanks to the parent group who have supported the purchase of resources to support this concept.  The kitchen is slowly being transformed into a "Makerspace" where the children can not only bake but also 3D Print, use electronics, robots, a portable green screen and a range of other resources to create their ideas.

Thank you to those parents who attended the meet the teacher picnic.  It was really nice for the teachers to catch up with so many parents and please keep in mind that we have an open door policy.   If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact the school.  The next formal meeting time will be at parent/teacher interviews in mid March.

Finally well done for reading this far!  The best way to navigate the newsletters is to scroll to the bottom of each page and click the next article button where it says "More from Kaikorai Primary School."  Alternatively you can click the Blue Kaikorai logo at any time to show the whole magazine or click the three white lines in the top right corner to show the different articles.  However you do it what is important is that you keep yourself informed.  The school app is also useful for emergency communication and can be downloaded from the schools web page.  www.kaikorai.school.nz

Kind regards

Simon Clarke
