Junior News

Welcome back to school. What a great start to the term everyone has made. If you are new to the Junior syndicate we hope you feel welcome and included.

As you can see by the photos all the classes have settled really well and everyone is working really hard.  We started the term with a focus on our first KAIK value being Kind to ourselves and others. It has been great to see the children embracing the theme of "Fill Your Bucket with Kindness" and we are hoping you are noticing this at home.  We want to be 'Bucket fillers' not 'Bucket dippers'.

This week we are starting our 'inquiry' focus for sustainability on NZ native birds. We are going to be ornithologists and discover what they do.  NZ birds endangered or safe? This is a question we are going to be looking at. Can we make a difference?

We are lucky enough to be able to visit the Orokonui Ecosanctuary in early March. A notice will come home about this soon with dates and times. Two classes will go together.

Children across the school will be taking part in football coaching over the next two weeks and each class will get 4 or 5 sessions with the coaches.

PMP has begun and as always we need parent support to run this programme please talk to your class teacher as to when you can help.

This year we are changing our Fun Friday format to a Marvellous Monday theme and this term we are doing Move it Mondays afternoons to make the most of the fine weather!!

Thank you for waiting outside the classrooms before the 3.00 bell  while children pack their bags and tidy up. Also please respect the teacher's preparation time before 8.30 each morning. Children can come into the classroom only when the bell goes at 8.30.

 Thank you for your support in all that you do to help your children learn. Learning is a partnership between school and home and by working together it can only benefit your child.