Senior News

We have just completed a round of assessments in Reading and Maths using the ministry’s easTTle resource. It has been useful in providing another view of children’s progress over this half of the year.

Swimming has been going well and we have been enjoying our walks to and from Moana Pool. It has all been great for our fitness. We are appreciative of the very high standard of instruction that Swimsation provide for our children.

Our classes have been very busy with our planning and preparations for the school fair on Saturday. Technology has been our main curriculum focus so far this term, with the children being involved in choosing what to do to contribute to the fair (opportunity); making plans to create their games, activities and crafts, (production); and then they have analysed the costs and benefits to our wider school community (social impact). It has been an interesting and rewarding process with many children showing new areas of skill and talent.

We look forward to seeing you all on Saturday. We will have lots of good bargains for you, and plenty of fun.