by Robin Hartley

Middles and Seniors News Week 9 Term 1

For the senior student's the last few weeks have been all about getting out of the classroom and learning in the great outdoors!

Year 6 Camp

The camp was a whirlwind of fun and challenges.  

The children walked down a river with some deep crossings to get to the poet Mrs Gillies' house, where she read us some poems and her daughter serenaded us with a song.  They covered themselves in soap and flew down the waterslide.  They created new and advanced technology to float in the river and challenged themselves on the confidence course.  Children climbed and clambered over rocks and gorges using ropes and carabiner clips, many abseiling for the first time.  Many children overcame a fear of heights and pushed themselves much further than they ever thought possible.    Children sailed in the breeze and kayaked through the water.  They cooked on coals and smothered their faces in smores and sticky marshmallow.  

Although they were wet, tired and pushed to the max, all the teachers were super impressed with how the children kept the school values right to the end and helped and supported each other through the week. 

Well done Year 6!

"I loved the fun and scary abseiling." Charlotte

"I loved the rock climbing.  It was lots of fun." Libby

"I loved the sailing because it calmed me down." Arlette

"I loved the river walk because at the end we had a river fight." Belle

"I loved everything! It was a great experience." Elizabeth

"I enjoyed the abseiling but I was really scared." Sam

Year 5 - Activity Week

The year 5’s and Room 4’s year 4 group had a great week together while the year 6’s were on camp. On Tuesday we explored the thirteen national parks of New Zealand. We had to find these on a map and look at all the activities we could do there. A popular choice was the Abel Tasman national park.

On Wednesday we were lucky enough to walk up to Halfway Bush School and spend lunchtime playing in their awesome playground. We got to sing the school song to their whole school and make some new friends. Although the walk was long and steep we all made it with a smile on our face.

On Thursday we became campers! We pitched the tents on the front field in groups. We got to do some work in them and eat our lunch. It was a hot day but all of us got our tents up and down and it was a lot of fun.

On the final day, we picked our favourite national parks and made a mini version in shoe boxes. We got to use things like sand, leaves, walnut shells and LED lights. They looked super real! Finally, we ended with a game of Stopball, our favourite. We had a fun week together.

“My favourite part was the walk because we got to make new friends at Halfway Bush School - Lucia Morey”

“My favourite part of the week was making the tents because it was challenging - Luke Milburn”

“I liked putting up the tents because now we could put them up if we went camping - Sophie Devereux”

“My favourite part was hanging out with the other classes - Lotte Henderson”

Basic Facts Boost for the Middles

Children in the middle syndicate have been working hard to improve their basic facts recall this term.  Some are working on addition and subtraction, others are working on multiplication and division.  By using Xtra Math, Mathletics, Prodigy, and group work during our Prime Maths programme, children have shown amazing improvement in their speed, use of strategy, and instant recall of a greater number of facts. 

  A fun way for children to practice basic facts at home is to use a pack of playing cards (cards 1-10). Split these into two piles facing down. Turn one card from each pile over and see how quickly you can add them.