by Beth Downie

End of term Principals' news

This is my last newsletter for the term, I hope our Kaikorai whānau, including our hardworking team, have a rest and get to spend some valuable time with their loved ones. Thank you all for your support these last ten weeks, and I look forward to doing it all again after the holidays.

Structure of the day from Term 3

From term 3, we will be going back to the whole school having the same structure of the day and play times.

Initially, play times were different as a result of covid restrictions; we then maintained these different times as we did not have sufficient play space. From next term, we are confident that we have the space to have our whole school back playing together. We are excited!

The times of the day are:

9:00am- 10:25am - session one

Morning Tea 10:25am - 10:50am

10:50 am - 1:00 pm - session two

Lunch 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm - session three

Parent interviews

Thank you for coming in this week to discuss your child's report, achievements and goal-setting for the next term. We had 200 learning conversations booked, and I am really pleased with the turnout. However, if you need to get in touch with your child's teacher or there is something pressing you want to discuss, please do not wait until parent interviews come around again. 

Support staff week

This week schools across the motu celebrate and recognise their support staff. For us, our support staff are pivotal to our success. From Mike, the caretaker who diligently takes care of our school, to Sharon in the office, the ultimate multitasker, and our amazing teacher aides who do so much daily for our Kaik Kids. We thank you and appreciate everything you do.

Enrolments 2023/2024

It is important we have up-to-date information for our predicted rolls. If you know anyone in our community who has not yet enrolled for this or next year, please let me know or ask them to contact the school office as soon as possible.

Staff news

We wish Miss Riley all the best for her wedding next week and look forward to welcoming her back next term as Mrs Anderson. 

Toby Robins Kaik Values awards

Congratulations to our Term 2  Kaik Values nominees and to Avery Duro for being the recipient of the trophy. We are proud of your mahi and efforts.

Eric Shen

Sebastian Gillan

Molly Houghton

Heidi Barlev

Hēvani Lokotui

Elira Groescho

Natalie Collie

Zephie Bokser

Andre Thompson-Payne

Imogen Ryan

Have a great winter holiday, and as always, thank you for your support.

Ngā mihi
