KHS Editor — May 19, 2023

Pink shirt day was celebrated at Kamo High School today. By taking part, students celebrated diversity and promoted kindness and inclusion for this anti-bullying day.

Today, students and teachers dressed up in Pink for Pink Shirt Day. Pink Shirt Day is a day to stand up together against bullying. Promoting awareness across school to stop bullying. The Wellness and Iwi prefects organized the day with a colouring-in competition and Iwi photo competition, where each iwi took a group photo and the Iwi showing the most Pink Shirt Day pride and participation gained points towards the Iwi cup.

The photo competition for engagement and inclusivity was run in our five iwi; Tapere, Moana, Rangi, Kaha and Waima. We raised $426.20 which will go to the NZ Mental Health Foundation. 

Thank you 

Wellness and Iwi Prefects