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NCEA co-requisite standard examinations

KHS Editor —

These will take place in week 4 of this term. Kamo High School is a pilot school for these curriculum changes. These changes aim to strengthen literacy and numeracy assessments and to ensure students have foundational literacy and numeracy skills that will ready them to transition into further education or the workplace.

Senior Students: All students who did not have literacy and/or numeracy on September 1st have been enrolled to sit the respective exams. For those students who have since gained literacy or numeracy through achievement standards, they should still be encouraged to sit the exam as it gives them the opportunity to gain an additional ten numeracy credits and/or up to ten literacy credits. If your child has achieved literacy or numeracy and does not wish to be part of the exams, please contact me to un-enroll them.

Junior Students: Year 9 students took part in progressive assessment tests earlier this year, students who were deemed ready will sit the upcoming examinations and have the opportunity to gain the Level one literacy and/or numeracy co-requisite. All year 10 students have been enrolled to sit these exams.

Akonga/students who do not achieve in this assessment will be given more opportunities next year.
Please encourage akonga/students to do their best in these examinations. Ensure that they rest well the night before each exam and that they are at school, on time, and ready to succeed. Please refer to the examination timetable for specific times and dates.

Lists for students entered into specific exams will be on the student noticeboard for all students to refer to.

For more information, contact:
Daniel May-Whitcombe daniel.maywhitcombe@kamohigh.school.nz