Kamo High School Attendance Procedure
Kamo High School has implemented an internal procedure to ensure that we are following the legislative requirements and to also support the requests of parents/caregivers around attendance.
As a student is required to be present (for at least 4 hours) when our school is open for instruction, any students that may be required to leave class or take holiday outside of the stated holiday dates, a more formal procedure is now in place.
Parents – please send a written request (via admin@kamohigh.school.nz) addressed to the Principal, we will then issue a Pink Slip to the student to have discussion with their subject teachers (affected) for their guidance on how the time from class will affect the overall academic achievement.
On receipt of this information, the Principal will then make a decision to the request.
For further information, please refer to the following NZ Legislation, Education and Training Act 2020, Section 36, Section 45, Section 52, Section 102