A word from our Prefects

KHS Editor —

Kia ora koutou and welcome to Term 3!

Hopefully everyone is feeling well settled in and ready to knuckle down in their classes, because Term 3 is going to be a hugely important time for everybody. Juniors will have just passed their halfway mark in the school year, and seniors should be finishing their last internals and preparing for their mock exams. Please take your mocks seriously seniors, as while they won't influence your grade if you can't attend your real exam, they'll become your official grades if you fall ill or run into any major dilemmas.

This links directly to this term's school value, Ōna Tū, or Self-Management. Self-management is the ability to manage your time to stay on top of your workload and personal life. A familiar expression asks "How do you eat an elephant? The answer; one bite at a time." This reflects the idea that we can accomplish anything if we properly manage our time and our workload, turning a gargantuan task such as eating an elephant into an easy plan. Try to practice self-management this term at school, as staying on top of your work leads to less stress and better results in the long-run.

Don't forget to keep looking out for different events and activities that are going to be happening in the coming weeks as well. Sometime next week there'll be a study wananga during interval, lunch, and afterschool in the library to offer assistance with your schoolwork, and our upcoming iwi competition is netball. We're looking forward to seeing everyone's participation and pride shine through again this term, so keep on giving it your all Kamo High School!

Kia kaha, ngā mihi.

- The Head Prefects.