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Tikapa Moana

HINE-MOANA - Female Specific

KHS Editor —

NZ Sailing Trust are promoting 2 trips during the school holidays to help ākonga complete their Duke of Edinburgh Gold journey or residential trips or just to experience something new and exciting.


Our female specific youth development programme is delivered over 5 days of sailing and kayaking. Two nights sailing on the internationally renowned maxi yachts, Lion NZ or Steinlager 2. Everybody on board has the opportunity to learn to sail the boats, help with the preparation of meals and sleep aboard.

Two nights are spent on the water with Auckland Sea Kayaks, where students learn how to kayak and camp in a safe, fun and supportive environment.


The Programme is structured in a way that allows the participants to participate and complete components of the Duke of Edinburgh Hillary Award (DOE). The programme components meet the requirements for the Adventurous Journey and as such, any participants who are interested in using this programme for DOE can do so.

For further information check out the website for Hine-Moana