Hero photograph
Photo by Carolyn Matthews

Kamo High School - Community Support

KHS Editor —

Two weeks ago Te Kura Tuarua o Te Kamo answered the call from the Rural Support Trust to help support farmers in Pipiwai and Purua affected by the recent flooding. Within three days, 47 Year 9 and 10 students had returned their permission slips, prepared to spend the day volunteering their time to clear 7 wire fences affected by this 1 in 50 year flood. Those who attended made the most of their time, clearing kilometers worth of fence lines, lifting downed fences and chatting with the farmers about their experiences. We met some amazing farmers who are a credit to the industry and we are proud to be able to support where we can.

Silver Fern farms provided the students with a real kiwi bbq to thank them for their efforts before we returned home. There were some very tired bodies who I am sure slept well that night.

We would like to thank Northland Bus Charters; Heather and team, you are amazing and we thank you for not only getting us there and back safely but also supporting us by sponsoring the trip. Thank you to the Rural Support Trust for providing us with the opportunity to support our community and a massive thank you to Mr Bayly for supporting this crazy timeframe and ensuring that students and adults alike got the most out of their trip.