Careers Roadshow - Kamo High School
This year’s Careers Roadshow was dubbed by the exhibitors and I quote “the best Careers Road Show Kamo High School has ever had’.
The day had witnessed such a successful opportunity for the whole school community and exhibitors to have the much-needed partnerships, interactive and collaboration in everyone who participated.
The whole school had the chance to view and experience the excellent exhibits from all those Exhibitors such as Universities, ITOs, Te Pukenga, Tertiary Providers and other Industries who shared their valuable expertise in their field of specialism. They have planted the seed that the young men and women of our school needed to find the information for their future careers pathways.
We also welcome the Year 9s from Excellere College who have joined us on this occasion.
Thank you to all our students who have earned excellent comments for the highstandard of behaviour and their enthusiasm shown to all.
More photos can be found here