Hero photograph

Kamo High School Uniform

KHS Editor —

We are aware that many of our year 10 students have lost, damaged or grown out of their junior uniform. Next year as a senior they will have a new uniform therefore we will allow year 10 students to wear items of the senior uniform if they need to until the end of the year.

Please provide a note from home to verify this. Please also note that plain long black “dress” pants may be worn by students of any level or gender. It is important that these are not denim or tracksuit pants.

Students must wear our uniform with pride while travelling to, from and within school grounds. To help with clarity here are some guidelines that whanau can help to reinforce key messages.

  • Black bucket hats or plain black caps can be worn.
  • Sandals with a back heel may be worn. These are not to be worn with socks.
  • Students must have a note if for any reason they are not in the correct uniform. They must report to the Senior Leadership office to get a uniform pass at the start of the day.

For seniors who are leaving at the end of the year we would welcome any donated uniforms. These can be brought into the Dean's office.