Hero photograph
Student Volunteer Army

KHS Student Volunteer Army

KHS Editor —

Kamo High School Student Volunteer Army, has 60 students ready and willing to help with your community based projects. If you could do with a hand or have any ideas (no matter how big or small) of how we could best support the community we would love to hear from you. Contact: tracey.rose@kamohigh.school.nz

Over the course of this term, students have been working as part of our student volunteer army to help out a local daycare. This has been a part of their wananga that students have opted into. Students have been spreading 2 massive piles of bark around the playground at Avenues Educare to keep their tamariki safe while they play. 

The students have learnt the values of participation and contribution while developing the school values of Urunga, Tū Tono and Aroha Atu. The students have represented themselves and our kura with pride and should be proud of the work they have completed. Throughout the rest of this term and term four, students will be involved in more projects around Kamo and Whangārei, including the building and installation of a community park bench by Four Square, that will see students learning the value of being active members in their community.

This is really important work for students as they learn the value of helping their community and the personal satisfaction that comes from volunteering. The range of students that have volunteered their time has been amazing and the students have worked really hard. 

Ka pai tō mahi!