Sophie Brunton — Feb 11, 2021

We have been lucky enough to have some new friends join us at KCC over the past few months. A very warm welcome to....

Alice and her whanau have joined us from the UK! She has settled in so well, Ka Pai Alice!

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Mya has also recently joined us, we are having such fun getting to know you Mya!

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Arepa has started this week! Welcome to you and your whanau Are! We are looking forward to spending more time with you. 

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Daphne also started at KCC this week, we are looking forward to getting to know you Daphne! Well done on your first week!

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Rico who is Ezras little brother has also joined us, and doing so well! Welcome Rico

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Diahna and her Mum Lizzie have also recently become part of the KCC Team. You may have chatted to Lizzie in the kitchen as is working as our cook and is also a qualified kaiako. Welcome to you both!

Image by: Sophie Brunton

 We farewelled Jorja off to school last week and her little brother Kobe officially joined us! Its been great hanging out with you Kobe!

Image by: Sophie Brunton

Welcome to all our new friends!