Phil McIntosh — Apr 2, 2024

E te whānau, tēnā koutou katoa,

Last Thursday, the Karori Normal School staff spent the day with our Kāhui Ako colleagues, connecting and learning together. The Kāhui Ako is a group of nine schools, including two secondary schools. Through collaborating and sharing teaching expertise, we believe children’s learning pathways are improved and their transition through the education system is well supported. Later in the year, the Kāhui Ako will host a series of parent information sessions. I have attended a number of these in the past and would highly recommend them.

There are significant building works planned for the school holidays; including the removal of asbestos in Room 4 & 5. This area will be fully contained during this time and testing will be completed after the works have been completed to ensure the area is safe. We ask that you keep away from this part of the school during the holiday break.

The photos below are from Ako Group 29. The children were learning about Manaakitanga and watched the YouTube clip, The Colour Monster. Then they created colour monster chalk art to represent the different feelings that everyone has.

Image by: Jacqueline Wee
Image by: Jacqueline Wee

Last week, our incredible Year 7 & 8 engaged in Ako (reciprocal) learning on the turf. They taught our younger students a dance and song. In return, the younger students taught mindful movements and yoga. If you’d like to see this in action, please join us on the turf on Friday 12th April, at 10.30am, for our Hui o Rōpū Ako (End of Term Celebration).

Image by: Jacqueline Wee


● Whānau Open Morning: 11th April 8.50am - 9.30am

● Structured Literacy Information Morning: 11th April 9.40am

● Hui o Rōpū Ako (End of Term Celebration): 12th April 10.30am

● Voting closes for BOT elections: 12th April

● Term 2 begins: 29th April

Whakatauki of the week

Ko te amorangi ki mua, ko te hāpai ō ki muri

Translation: "The leader at the front and the workers behind the scenes"

As always if you need any support or have any questions, please contact one of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT):

Ngā mihi nui

Phil McIntosh

Acting Principal