Zoe B and Gayathri A — Sep 21, 2022

Fabric scraps needed

Kia Ora!

In Rm 26/27, we have been learning about sustainability. We started to think about all the clothes and accessories that are made, and all the fabric scraps that go to waste.

This inspired us to want to start creating small accessories (hair scrunchies and masks) out of fabric scraps! We are calling the ‘company’ Bliss and are very excited to start. But we need a little help… you see, we need fabric scraps to make these things, but we don’t have enough!

If you have any fabric that you are not using, even old clothes would be great, then please bring them to Rm 26/27 at KNS and ask for either Gayathri or Zoe.

(Bliss will also be selling hair scrunchies and masks when they have been made, so feel free to ask about that too!)

Anything is very much appreciated!

Thanks so much!

-Zoe B and Gayathri A, Yr7