Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Wee

Te Rā Ahurea (Cultural Day) - Friday 9th December

Fiona Campbell —

We will be celebrating our cultures in several ways at the end of the term. In the weeks leading up to Te Rā Ahurea, children will be sharing their cultures in their Ako Groups on Fridays. Across the school, we will again be promoting the idea of Manaakitanga.

On Te Rā Ahurea (Cultural Day) - Week 8 Friday 9th December:

  • Everyone will be encouraged to wear clothing or colours related to their cultures/family background or cultures they feel connected to.
  • You are welcome to come into your child/children's classes between 2:15-3 pm. This will be a relaxed time where the children can manaaki and connect with you in class.
  • You may like to bring taonga from your culture with you so that your child/children can show them to their friends. (Please do not send treasures along to school with your child.)
  • You may wish to bring in or send in some food for afternoon tea in your child's class. This could be food that comes from your own culture(s) but only a small amount of finger food thanks. Please label the ingredients carefully if you do wish to provide food.
Te Rā Ahurea — Image by: Jacqueline Wee