Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Wee

Come join Kiss & Drop in Term 2!

Ilona Smith —

We’re looking for new people to join our Team in Term 2.

Kiss and Drop operates Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 8.55am on Donald Street and is run by volunteers. It’s a FUN and FABULOUS way to get involved in our school community and get to know other parents and caregivers, all whilst assisting our tamariki safely from cars into the school grounds.

We have a couple of regular Tuesday morning gaps to fill in Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 of Term 2. If you’ve thought about it before, I can assure you it really is easy and fun!

Or perhaps you and a friend want to volunteer as a pair for the Tuesday vacancies (a brilliant excuse catch up for coffee or a walk afterwards!)

If you just want to commit to the odd duty, that’s fine too! We also need volunteers to fill:

Monday 13 May (week 3)

Monday 17 June (week 8)

Tuesday 18 June (week 8)

Tuesday 2 July (week 10)

Let us know if you want to help out on Kiss on Drop on one of these days!

To the fabulous people who are taking a break from K&D in Term 2, thank you very much for your service! It is greatly appreciated by our school community!

If you want to volunteer for Kiss and Drop, email Ilona Smith at rayandilona@hotmail.co.nz or knskissanddrop@gmail.com