Summary of 16 May 2023 Board meeting

Jacqueline Wee —

The KNS Board met on 16 May.

James Appleton (Deputy Principal) talked to the Board about PATs (Progressive Achievement Tests), which are a series of standardised tests. Those of you with tamariki/children in years 4 to 8 may know that KNS teachers use PATs in term 1 of each year. KNS uses PATs as a diagnostic assessment tool. In other words, teachers use them to identify gaps in students’ learning, to help with programme planning for the year.

At KNS teachers gather a range of assessment information to make judgements in relation to New Zealand Curriculum Levels. These judgements are called Overall Teacher Judgements (OTJs). PATs results form part of that evidence, but they do not necessarily equate to where a student is at in terms of the curriculum. However, the data James presented to the Board shows that there is a correlation between PATs results and OTJs at KNS.

To ensure consistency in OTJs, KNS is now using a Ministry of Education tool called PaCT (Progress and Consistency Tool). The Ministry of Education’s website has more information about PaCT here:

Conrad spoke to the Board about the school’s progress against Charter Goal 2 – Tāngata/People, with the main action being the introduction of PB4L (Positive Behaviour for Learning). Conrad talked about PB4L in a recent newsletter: Broadly, the aim is to improve behaviour and wellbeing, to enhance learning. The introduction of PB4L is closely linked with refreshing the KNS values, which is also happening this year.

The Board also conducted its regular review of such things as finance, health and safety, and property.

The Board’s next meeting will be on Tuesday 27 June 2023, at 6.30pm in the staffroom. Board meetings are open to the public.