Ros Ross — May 24, 2023

Last week, our school's annual Cross Country event took place, and it was an incredible success! All our Tamariki showcased their athleticism, perseverance, and sportsmanship, making it a memorable day for everyone involved.

We would like to take a moment to especially recognise and express our gratitude to all the volunteers, teachers, teacher aids and school staff who dedicated their time and efforts to ensure the event ran smoothly and safely. Please keep reading to hear one of our parent volunteers’ experience of the day.

Congratulations to all our runners, but especially to those in years 4-8 who have qualified to represent KNS in next weeks Western Zone event. Please see the attachment for the results.

The commitment and enthusiasm of our volunteers were instrumental in creating a fantastic atmosphere and providing much needed support for our young athletes. As mentioned, here is an outtake of the day from one of our parent volunteers:

"It's all downhill from here!"

What a fantastic day we had on Thursday for the KNS cross-country! The chilly but dry weather made for perfect running conditions, and it was an honour to witness the children pushing and challenging themselves, whether at the front, middle or back of their field. I was fortunate enough to be marshalling at the highest point of the course on Wrights Hill Road, where I got to congratulate the kids for making it to the top of the hill and seeing the joy in their faces when they realised it was all downhill from there. I remember one Year 5 boy who stopped by me, puffing and panting, then yelled "YES - downhill, I LOVE this part!" before tearing off. And then I joined the throngs at Ben Burn Park to watch the Year 0, 1 and 2 kids excitedly running their own races, ably supported and cheered on by the older kids.

It was a really uplifting day and something I was very proud to be a part of. I hope that all the parents who came along to watch felt the same. Thanks so much to the team of staff and other volunteers who gave up their time to put this together. A whole school event like this takes a HUGE amount of organisation and a big team of people. And it simply can't go ahead without volunteers. I'd really encourage all KNS parents and caregivers to consider volunteering at future events. There are so many opportunities to get involved - if not cross country, then there are other sports events, school trips, kiss and drop, and of course the annual gala which requires a small army of people to put together! So please get involved, however big or small the commitment you can make - yes it helps support our tamariki and give them memories they will treasure, but I'm sure you'll find you get a lot out of it too!

Thank you once again to everyone for making the Cross Country event a resounding success. Let's continue to nurture a spirit of teamwork and perseverance within our school community, both on and off the track!

Ngā mihi

Bhavik and Ros