Jacqueline Wee — Apr 13, 2022

So far over 160 children have tested positive for COVID and around 85% of them have returned to school. There doesn’t appear to be a pattern in where the cases are arising in the school, with different year groups being affected at different times.

We have a number of protections in place including, mask wearing in Years 4 to 8, hand washing/sanitising, ventilation, regular outside breaks and separate play areas for teams. Please also remember that children do not just catch COVID at school, there are a range of other places children can come into contact with the virus e.g. as household contacts, through sports teams, scouts, at a cafe etc.

You can find updated information on our website, regarding what to do if you test positive for COVID or are a household contact; www.kns.school.nz.

· 143 children have returned to school after testing positive, completing the required self-isolation and having no COVID symptoms.

· In total we have 22 current positive cases throughout the school distributed as follows:

If you have concerns about your child returning to school, please contact one of the SLT;

• Conrad Kelly ckelly@kns.school.nz

• James Appleton jappleton@kns.school.nz

• Phil McIntosh pmcintosh@kns.school.nz