College Open Mornings

Jacqueline Wee —

Wellington College Open Morning

Saturday 18 June at 10.30am in the AGC

and (we will run a reduced repeat programme for those who are unable to attend on the Saturday morning) on

Monday 20 June at 9.30am in the AGC

Registration is not required. All students and their families are welcome.

Wellington High School

Please see the attachment for details for our Open Evening for students considering entry to the school in 2023.

Please note that we have had to modify the Open Evening this year:

- we are running two sessions, one at 4.30 and one at 6pm

- both sessions are ticketed to help us manage numbers / distancing

- we are encouraging only one or two people to come per student to try and enable as many whānau as possible to be a part of the evening.

If you have whānau who you know might be interested in WHS and who may not be able to access a computer to book, please can you help them do so?