Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Wee

Message from the Principal

Phil McIntosh —

E te whānau, tēnā koutou katoa,

Yesterday we held our Junior Athletics day for our Years 0 - 3 children. It was a fabulous day at Ben Burn Park. It was great to see all our children participating enthusiastically. These events are a huge undertaking to organise and I’d like to acknowledge the teachers for their work in ensuring the day ran smoothly.

The school is holding our first Whānau time of the year on Thursday 11th April, from 8.50am - 9.30am. This is a chance for whānau and friends to come into our classrooms and celebrate the success of our children. Grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles, everyone is more than welcome. Following this, the school leadership will host a brief information session on Structured Literacy. We will explain what structured literacy is, and how it is taught at Karori Normal School and answer any questions. This session will begin in the staffroom at 9.40am, after the Whānau time.

We also have a Hui o Rōpū Ako (End of Term Celebration) on Friday 12th April, at 10.30am. The whole school will gather on the turf for jump jam, yoga and waiata. We would love to see you there as well.

A reminder that our phone policy is now in place. Students have been informed and are aware that they will no longer be able to have mobile phones. Smart watches with phone capabilities can be used if ‘school mode’ has been switched on.

Thank you to those parents who put their names forward to be a part of the board of trustees. Voting papers for the upcoming election were distributed via email on Friday 15th March. The email will be addressed from Canterbury Education Services (CES). Voting closes at 4pm, Friday April 12th.

Candidate statements can be found here.

The board of trustees met last night and discussed the following policies:

  • Te Tiriti o Waitangi

  • Board Responsibility

  • Document and Self-Review Policy

The school has also reviewed the following policies:

  • Parent Involvement

  • Communicating with Parents

  • Community Conduct Expectations

  • School Planning and Reporting

  • Reporting to Parents on Student Progress and Achievement

If you would like to read or review these policies for yourself, please login to SchoolDocs.

Username: kns

Password: donaldst


  • Parent/Caregiver donations can be paid for the 2024 year

  • PTA Meeting: 27th March 7.30pm

  • Staff Only Day: 28th March (School will be closed for this day)

  • Easter Break: School reopens on 3rd April

  • Whānau Open Morning: 11th April 8.50am - 9.30am

  • Structured Literacy Information Morning: 11th April 9.40am

  • Hui o Rōpū Ako (End of Term Celebration) - 12th April 10.30am

  • Voting closes for BOT elections on 12th April

Whakatauki of the week

He kotuku rerenga tahi

Translation: A white heron's flight is seen but once

As always if you need any support or have any questions, please contact one of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT):

Ngā mihi nui

Phil McIntosh

Acting Principal