Hero photograph
Covid - 19
Photo by Jacqueline Wee

Covid Information

Jacqueline Wee —

COVID – Please Continue to Inform Us if Your Child Tests Positive

Our COVID numbers remain low in comparison to last term. Currently we have eight positive student cases and 22 children who have returned to school having tested positive earlier in the term. Please remember to let us know if your child tests positive for COVID, you can do this by emailing our school office, office@kns.school.nz .

Please ensure your children bring their own masks to school and ensure they have a extras in their bag in case they lose or break them.

As always if you need any support or have any questions, please contact one of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT):

· Conrad Kelly ckelly@kns.school.nz

· James Appleton jappleton@kns.school.nz

· Phil McIntosh pmcintosh@kns.school.nz