Hero photograph
Photo by Jacqueline Wee

Introduction to KNS Board member Blair Wightman

Jacquie Kean —

I first joined the Board in August 2017 and have really enjoyed being involved in the school’s governance. I am also excited that we’re finally seeing progress on the school property projects as I know this is an area where KNS could be so much better.

I’m a Chartered Accountant and work by day as an auditor for a corporate in the city. Along with fellow board members Joe and Conrad, I am on the KNS finance committee.

I am married to Cherie who works for a government agency as a policy advisor and I am Dad to Bree in year 5 and Carter in year 3.

In my spare time I’m found running the streets of Karori, taming the weeds and playing with the kids at one of Karori’s fabulous parks.

Here is a photo of me when I first joined the Board and looked much younger.