Shawna Rae — Jun 26, 2020

Our student council this year is made up of several students from each year group. Our purpose is to be a voice for the students at our school and we also fund raise for projects around the school such as new picnic tables.

Every Friday lunchtime we have a sausage sizzle to raise funds. We are very lucky to have a dedicated group of students who attend every BBQ and are willing to lend a hand. We are very excited to be able to run the BBQs again as there was a slight setback with Covid-19. I find these Friday events a great place for us students to work together and also gives us a chance to spend time with students from other year groups. 

Last Friday was a great success; we sold our complete stock within 20 minutes and made a good profit.  Our sausage sizzle had a few different options which the “costumers” could choose from. For $2.00 you get a standard sausage and tomato sauce and for $2.50 you can get extra toppings such as cheese and mustard. As these BBQs are becoming a regular event we are really hoping to organize a fixed BBQ area in which kids can come and eat their lunch, listen to the music and enjoy the company of others. 

Throughout the year we are sent off to discuss with our form classes where they’d like to see the money spent. The most popular ideas are shelter and heating. We are also very keen to help students access courses by putting money towards their yearly fees etc. A project that worked really well last year was the addition of new picnic tables to the back field. Some students taking wood-tech were given the project of making the picnic tables as part of their standard and in return we used our savings to pay for their fees. Overall the Friday BBQs are not only a great fundraiser but also a social event where everyone is welcomed.