Hero photograph
Photo by Hilary Johnson

Innovative Horticulture Project reaches fundraising target!

Hilary Johnson —

The Katikati Innovative Horticulture Trust has now raised the $615,000 needed for the construction of a new Horticulture Centre at the College.

Construction is planned to begin in February 2022, with the building being ready in May.

The Trust is still seeking assistance with operational funding and furniture. A huge thanks to all of the businesses, horticulturalists and members of the community who have contributed towards this exciting project. 

You can read more about the project here, and read more about our College Innovative Horticulture programme here.

Donations can be made online to BNZ Katikati 02-0340-0045184-000. Put your name/organisation in as a reference and email kkhort_ trust@katikaticollege.school.nz to let the trust know you have done so in order that they can send you a receipt. The trust is a registered charity so donations are tax deductible.

In October Katikati Innovative Horticulture Trust chairman Peter McCormick raised the red tape closer to the target.