Hero photograph
Photo by Hilary Johnson

Past vs Present

Juliet Dunlop-Fraser —

The fierce and fun competition that is is Past pupils vs Present pupils took place on Saturday September 29 in gorgeous sunny conditions.

There was a great attendance for most codes with past rugby, netball, football and boys basketball players turning out in large numbers. Hockey, volleyball and girls basketball are still a little short so in 2019 do bring your mates! Thanks to our volunteer referees and umpires - Letham White (rugby), Sue Spiers & Louise Turner (netball), Brandon Jones (football), Meghann Fraser & Logan Dobbs (hockey), Mike Apaapa, Maddy Kilford and Sheanna Chadwick (basketball). 

The  results below show four wins to each side so the cup will be held jointly this year!


Rugby PAST

Boys Football PAST


Girls Hockey PAST

Boys Hockey PRESENT

Boys Basketball PAST

Girls Basketball PRESENT

Girls Volleyball PRESENT