Victoria University of Wellington graduates

Gaylia Bundle —

Congratulations to these former Katikati College students who have graduated from Te Herenga Waka - Victoria University of Wellington between June 2020 and May 2021.

Callum MacErlich, BSC - Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics

Cerys Blackshaw, BSC - Bachelor of Science, Biotechnology; Cell & Molecular Bioscience

Gemma Thorp, BA - Bachelor of Arts, Education

Georgia Kelly, BSC - Bachelor of Science, Psychology

Hamish Besley, BDI - Bachelor of Design Innovation, Communication Design

Julia Marshall-Mead, BA - Bachelor of Arts, International Relations; Modern Language Studies and LLBHON - Bachelor of Laws with Honours, First Class Honours

Matthew Jones, BSC - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Rose Morris, PGDENV - PGDip in Environmental Studies

Vanessa Brown, MIR - Master of Int'l Relations

Zoe D'Ath, MARCHP - Master of Architecture (Prof), Merit