Hero photograph
Lavina Williams | Vocal Coach 
Photo by Wendy Fleming

Lavina Willams – Vocal Coach for NZ’s X-Factor Tutors our Students!

Wendy Fleming —

In early August vocalists from Year 10 and NCEA Music classes were given the opportunity to work on their singing skills alongside Lavina Williams. 

The senior students were given two one hour sessions while the Year 10 students were given a one hour session in small groups. During the sessions students presented part of a song of their choice and were given suggestions on how to improve and the names of other artists and songs that would suit their voice. It was amazing to hear the improvement from our students, especially when they came out of their shell and let their true voice shine.

Lavina was sponsored by the NZ Musicians in School programme which has been running since 2001 through the NZ Music Commission. This programme pays all costs and gives NZ students the chance to work alongside many well-known musicians and gain insight from their experience. This is the third time that Katikati College has been awarded access to this programme.

Lavina was the vocal coach for New Zealand’s recent X-Factor TV competition and started her career in the 90’s with NZ Girls Group Ma Velle. She has since been in the Lion King, Hairspray and Dream Girls musicals in Australia and Germany. She has released gospel albums and recorded backing vocals for Ginny Blackmore and Stan Walker and opened for One Republic.

A big thank you to Music Mentoring NZ and Lavina Williams for the wonderful opportunity!