Hero photograph

Important dates for 2022

Simon Finnimore —

Some key dates are shown below. As always, please refer to the website for regular updates of events.

Friday 28 January - NCEA re-enrolment day for senior students

Thursday 3 February - Year 7 Orientation and Peer Support day

Friday 4 February - School open for all students

Friday 4 February - ID and class photos

Monday 7 February - Waitangi weekend

Wednesday 9 February - Stationery sales

Wednesday 16 February - Year 13 Camp (through to Friday 18)

Thursday 14 April - last day of Term 1

Monday 2 May - Term 2 begins

Monday 6 June - Queen’s Birthday

Friday 24 June - Matariki Observation

Friday 8 July - end of Term 2

Monday 25 July - Term 3 begins

Friday 30 September - end of Term 3

Monday 17 October -Term 4 begins

Monday 24 October - Labour Day

Monday 7 November - NCEA exams begin

Monday 5 December - Junior Prize Givings

Tuesday 6 December - Senior Prize Giving