Hero photograph
Village Heart - Global Mind
Photo by Neil Harray

Katikati College Charter and Annual Plan

Neil Harray —

The Education Act 1989 requires every school to complete a charter and a copy of the annual charter update to be sent to the Ministry of Education each year. The role of the Board is to prepare and maintain the school charter.

The Charter is a key planning document that sets out the school's objectives and targets for the year, it is important it is in place at the start of the school year. It can then be effective in setting teaching and learning programmes and guiding the activities of your school.

The purpose of a school charter is to establish the mission, aims, objectives, directions and targets of the Board that will give effect to the Government’s National Education Guidelines and the Board’s priorities.

As our charter evolves and develops we have based the charter around 9 guiding principles that we feel summarise our priorities and provides a clear understanding for our staff, students and teachers about what we are trying to achieve.

Each November the Charter is reviewed by the Board of Trustees.

If you have any comments or queries about the charter (which is attached below) please email me directly and we can use this information in planning for the next year ahead. My email address is principla@kkc.school.nz 

Neil Harray | Principal