Hero photograph
Photo by Hilary Johnson

Visit to Trevelyans

Hilary Johnson —

This month 40 Year 12 students from Business Studies and Innovative Horticulture visited Trevelyan's Packhouse in Te Puke.

It’s the largest, singlesite kiwifruit and avocado packhouse in New Zealand, but it’s the very active framework of sustainability  that makes them so interesting.

Trevelyan’s foundation rests on three organisational pillars which influence all decisions, large and small, at the business:

  • Work smart
  • Respect our people
  • Tread lightly

By using these values as a ‘lens’ through which to look at their business, Trevelyan’s is able to identify potential improvements and find small changes that cumulatively make a big impact on the business, the growers, the environment and the community. Trevelyan’s is considered a New Zealand leader in sustainability.

Students had a tour of the facility, heard a presentation by the Sustainability Manager, and participated in basketball and gumboot throwing which feature on the list of activities for staff during their breaks.