Visual Arts Department
It has been a very busy term in the Art Department, with new semester rotations of the junior classes, and the seniors closing in on their assessments for the year, both internals and externals. There is an impressive amount of high-quality work being produced and we are very proud of the efforts of all the students, and their fantastic outcomes in Design, Painting and Photography.
We have had a wonderful student teacher working with us this term, Ana Hemopo, who has been working with the Year 9 and 10 classes, delivering fun and engaging units of work with them. Her energy, enthusiasm and fresh ideas have been very welcome, and we wish her all the best for a fantastic career teaching in Visual Arts.
Derived grade exam week:
During the exam week, the art room will be open for any students wishing to have extra studio time and one-on-one tuition with myself, Mrs. Riddell. If your son/daughter would like to book a specific time for help, please get them to email me with what time they would like to come in.
Holiday workshop days:
Mrs Riddell will be holding two workshop days on 6 and 7 October (Thursday and Friday of the first week of holidays), for any students that would like extra time and help with their assessments. In particular, she would like to see the Year 11 students, that have much to do to complete their portfolios before the due date in Week 1 of next term. It will be a great opportunity to get work completed.
Due dates for external examination portfolios:
The below due dates are for completed work, which must be secured to the boards for submission and marking on the dates provided. There is no late submission opportunity, as they are an external exam.
Level 1 Visual Arts: Thursday 20 th October, by 3 pm.
Level 2 Photography, Design and Painting: Thursday 27 th October by 3 pm.
Level 3 Photography, Design and Painting, including Scholarships workbooks: due to the Art department on Tuesday 8 th November, and packaged for courier pick up by 3 pm on Wednesday 9 th November.
I would like to remind caregivers that the end of term three is also the end of my time with Katikati College, and my contract, taking a maternity leave position for Shannen Bell, who will return in term four. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work with the students for the last year and a half, and I wish them all well for a creative and successful future.