Cara Howie — Nov 26, 2023

Our students have had a blast engaging in the RDA programme this term. The feedback from students, staff, and whānau has been so positive, and I am excited to share that we will be continuing in 2024.

“RDA is fun and I love the horse called Welcome, it’s so cute. I love trotting. On the horse we need to put our heels down to keep us sitting up.”

“Pretty fun riding around. I like trotting and walking around. I also like going around things and going out to the paddock.”

“It was really lovely watching her on her horse, Welcome. She was so happy and confident riding around the arena, watching her succeed and feeling pleased with herself was so rewarding.”

“It has been amazing to see how quickly our students have excelled at RDA. Stepping outside their comfort zones they have each overcome their fears, grown in confidence and shown their resilience to keep trying their hardest in the face of personal doubt and fear. The sense of pride when mastering a new task is written all over their faces and you can literally see them stand a little taller, smile wider and look forward to the next challenge. As one of their teacher aides, it has been a very humbling and rewarding experience to be a part of.”

Tauranga RDA provides equestrian therapy programmes for children from our community challenged by disability or who are-at-risk. Programmes are designed to develop and nurture confidence, independence and well-being. Whilst providing life skills through professionally supervised therapeutic horse riding, horse care and interaction with horses. The goal is to assist students to achieve their goals and enable them to participate more fully as members of their community. For more information about what RDA offers and the programmes our students are involved with, check out the website:

A number of our students meet the criteria for the programme which will be weekly for 8 weeks of each term. The cost for the term is $195 per student, as well as approximately $300 to cover transport. Some students have graduated to courses which cost $360 per term. We want to offer this opportunity to as many of our students as possible. To support this we are looking to see if any members of the community would be able to sponsor and/or donate towards the cost of students accessing this amazing programme.

If you would like more information, please contact Cara Howie on or 07-549-0434