Outward Bound / Anakiwa
Every year The Acorn Foundation offers various schools in the Bay of Plenty scholarships for two Year 12 students to attend a 21 day Outward Bound course, named Tangaroa. This takes place at Anakiwa in the Marlborough Sounds. The students must meet a certain criteria and go through an interview process to see if they 'fit'. This year we were proud to send Lyrique Jacob-Tahana and Isaac Rangikotua as representatives of Katikati College. The boys undertook their course in May and had to put up with very poor and trying conditions which tested all their limits. During this time they experienced a 3km run at 6am every morning followed by jumping off the wharf and swimming 50 metres. They undertook multi day hikes, sailing and camping on a 6 mtr cutter (open sailboat) and wrapped all of this up with a 21km run. To say they were tested is an understatement. During this time Lyrique and Isaac took it upon themselves to teach their group of 16 a Haka. This was performed at a celebration evening held in Tauranga a couple of weeks after they completed their course. A very proud moment for these two worthy participants.