Principal's Comment
As we approach the end of the school year, it has been fantastic to see our students engaged in a range of activities. Many of these opportunities have been impacted previously - cancelled or amended - by COVID, so it is fantastic that they have been able to go ahead. I was fortunate to be able to spend some time at the Year 10 camp at Finlay Park. This is always a highlight of the year for me as it is an opportunity for these students to enjoy some time together before progressing into the senior school.
Junior Projects have gone well with students from Years 7 to 10 undertaking a diverse range of activities. Students have been involved in learning to surf and roller-skate, play cards and learn to dance. They have made food parcels for Kura Kai and Christmas presents on a budget. Junior Projects provide our students with the opportunity to work collaboratively with others from different year groups. They also allow the development of “soft skills” which are so important for future employment; not to mention a fun way to finish the year!
The Ministry of Education teacher only days this term have provided all teachers with time to look at the proposed changes for the curriculum, literacy, numeracy and NCEA. This time allows staff to develop their effective practice with the changes being made nationally. We have also been working with mana whenua to learn about the local history and how we can incorporate this into a localised curriculum.
At the start of next year, the college will no longer be offering stationery sales. All stationery can be purchased online through Office Max. More information on this can be found in the newsletter.
I have noticed an increase in the number of students wearing non-uniform items to school. In preparation for next year, please remember that only Katikati College shorts, trousers and skirts should be worn.
I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to the end of year Prize Givings that are taking place on Tuesday 6 December (times can be found further in this newsletter).
Finally, I would like to wish you an enjoyable time over the Christmas break. I look forward to reconnecting in the New Year and wish all the best to those students who are finishing their time here at the college.