Hero photograph
Photo by Juliet Dunlop-Fraser

Cross Country Season

Juliet Dunlop Fraser —


A small team of runners went across to Mangatarata Farm in Ngatea to compete in the TVSS Cross Country. After all the bad weather, the day was sunny and warm but conditions were still a bit treacherous underfoot resulting in a DNF for three of the KKC runners due to turned ankles. The runners who successfully completed the tough course did really well. The course is a true cross country route with hills, creeks and farm obstacles. Luke Spurr ran an impeccable race to take home the Senior Boys title, a great result for his last year at school. Up and coming runner Coby Taylor also ran brilliantly to finish second. Results U20 Boys - Luke Spurr 1st (24.30:7), Year 9 Girls - Coby Taylor 2nd (15.38:3), U16 Girls - Tayla Frith 6th, Miah Harper 19th.


Coby Taylor and Mike Rousell went back to Mangatarata to run in the Wai-BOP regionals. Another outstanding day in a very tough Year 9 competition, the two runners did themselves and Katikati College proud with big races from schools as far wide as Taupo, and right through the Bay and Waikato. Coby finished and Mike finished


Thirteen runners made their way over to Waipuna Park to compete in the Western BOP Cross Country. A good practice session for our AIMS runners. It was a sunny if cold day and without a school cross country to practice on, it was a really hard push to get around the course. Benji Ussher from Year 8 came home in 5th and Georgia Walter finished 12th in Year 8 Girls, both going through to the next Bay Wide round. Damon Batonberg who finished just outside the qualifiers in 16th was also pulled up to run the next round due to a withdrawal.


Benji Ussher, Georgia Walter and Damon Batonberg went over to Kaharoa School to race in the final round of Year 7 & 8 Cross Country. They all put on a great performance stepping up to the wider competition over a much harder hilly course with Georgia finishing 6th, Benji coming home in 9th and Damon in 22nd. Congratulations to all three runners on a great season.