Mitchell Preston, student — May 26, 2020

Mitchell Preston, Matakana pod student wrote this.

That Was Covid-19

Remember when shops were closing, not a single open sign in sight,

Brave essential workers risking their own safety to help others,

Everything in high demand,

Italy, China, UK, USA and Spain being hit hard,

Internet slow from zoom meetings and gaming,

Countries were experiencing multiple waves.

That was Covid-19

Remember when we went into lockdown rapidly,

The 1pm briefing being broadcasted nation-wide,

Making an effort to help out local businesses,

Quotes such as “Team of 5 million” and “Stay home, Save Lives” being introduced,

Social distancing was imperative when depart from your house,

That was Covid-19

Remember when non-essential businesses were lending a hand to essential businesses by doing deliveries and giving samples of their own goods,

The ocean full with fish due to the lack of boats,

Oca’s scattered all over Waihi Beach’s beach,

Mum still going to work.

That was Covid-19

Remember Jack slumbering till 2pm,

Jumping into the Arctic Ocean like pool for a bet,

Making dinner every evening,

Having all the time in the world to swim

Constantly baking,

Jack playing Fortnite and Minecraft, only stopping for meals

Me playing Roblox with my friends.

The world’s future unknown,

No-one quite sure where we’re heading next.

By Mitchell Preston