Kirsten Pickett — Mar 30, 2023

Room 23 recently enjoyed celebrating Sea Week (Kaupapa Moana), and spending time studying some of the different sea creatures in our oceans. The tamariki wrote some interesting facts about penguins and then created a collage penguin art piece. Check out some of their fantastic work below:

Penguins are friendly. They live in colonies and they stick together. They are warm blooded and they have flippers instead of wings, even though they are birds. Penguins eat fish, squid, shrimp and krill. There are 18 different species. The backs of them are black and the tummies of them are Ma. The end!!

By Lucy 

Penguins are friendly. Penguins eat fish, shrimp, squid and krill. Penguins have feathers but when they are little they have fur. Penguins live in Antarctica, South America, Africa and NZ! Most penguins have white tummies and a black back. Pengins waddle, hop and slide!

By Jessica 

Penguins are warm blooded and they are amazing swimmers. Penguins like to nibble on fish. Penguins live on the beaches of South America and they are also found in South Africa. Finally, the final place they live in is Antarctica. They are friendly creatures.

By Leo 

Penguins are warm blooded because they live in Antarctica. Also penguins eat fish, shrimp, krill and crayfish. Penguins can live anywhere in the southern hemisphere. Penguins have a black back and they sometimes have yellow or orange. They are friendly and beautiful.

By Tui 

Penguins are flightless birds. Penguins live in new Zealand, they also live in Antarctica. Penguins eat squid, shrimp, krill and fish. Penguins have flippers and feathers. The mother penguins lay the eggs and the father penguins sit on them. They are not threatened by people.

By River