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Rūma Iwa make "Frobscottle"

Rūma Iwa —

In Ruma Iwa, we have been thoroughly enjoying reading the 'BFG', written by Roald Dahl. We have been learning about how the Giants in Giant country live and most importantly, what they like to eat and drink. If you didn't already know, 'Frobscottle' is the name given to the drink that they love to guzzle! We were so curious about what this drink tasted like, so we decided to make our very own. It was green, it was fizzy and it was scrumptious! Here are some pieces of writing about our experience.

Whoosh! The bubbled raced down the lemonade bottle and into my cup. We put in vanilla ice-cream and green food colouring into the cup. Yes, we were making frobscottle! It was just a few seconds before we could go outside and drink the frobscottle. Mmmmm! Delicious, but sour. - Ayan 

Awesome! The bubbles went up and exploded like a volcano. The bubbly liquid went over the edges of my cup like an explosion. We put lots of delicious ingredients into our cup. Yum! Vanilla ice-cream, sprite and some dark, wild green food colouring. It was so delicious and it was tickling my tongue! - Liza