Frances O'Hanlon — Dec 20, 2017

Room 8A (awesome)

Wow what a year we have had!  Term 1 we got to know each other and the Year 6's were off to camp while the Year 5's tackled challenge week!  Both were lots of fun. Term 2 we were very lucky to have Stephanie, our student teacher, who was a great asset to our Rōpū Waru team and lots of help at our Year 5 camp.  Matariki was a wonderful celebration for our Year 5 and 6 team as we explored the meaning of Matariki and each star's special gift.  In Term 3 we welcomed Rachel, a student from South Korea, who brought us lots of laughter and taught us some of her origami paper folding skills.  We were sad to farewell her in September.  Our highlights this year, apart from camp, were our differentiated trips and Trash Planet Inquiry. The students used their creative and problem solving skills to upcycle and repurpose discarded trash.  It was a great way to not only help the environment but to think of interesting and purposeful ways to reuse trash.  Well done team, you are all awesome.