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School Board Update

Nick Summerfield —

Our new School Board had its first meeting earlier this week. At the meeting Nick Summerfield was reappointed as Presiding Member (Chairperson) and Anne Boniface was appointed as Finance Representative. Our other board members are Jaimee Kirby-Brown, Trinette Giborees-Smith and Mustafa Derbashi; staff representative Nick Van Den Borst, and Jo Augustine (Principal).

The Board's job is governance. As a group we monitor the school's performance, set the school's vision and oversee the great work done by the senior leadership team. We are all motivated to provide the best possible environment for all of the school's students to help them achieve their potential.

We have a great group of people with a diverse range of backgrounds and skills, and are really excited about what we will achieve over the next three years.

If you ever want to get hold of the Board, you can contact us through the school office – email secretary@kaurilands.school.nz.