Hero photograph
Photo by Rachel Thorpe

What Exactly is Seesaw?

Rachel Thorpe —

Seesaw is a platform that we are using to create class blogs and individual student portfolios or learning journals.

By the end of this week, everyone of you will have received an invitation by your child's teacher to sign up to something called "Seesaw Learning Journals. " Your child will have their own portfolio or learning journal this year as a showcase of their learning. You can access this portfolio on your phone with an app, or on any other internet connected device. The purpose of these is to keep a record of student learning and also to provide whānau with a window into classroom learning. Numbers of posts and content will differ between year levels.

More details will be coming via email and a parent evening will be held on Monday the 10th of April, 5:30-6:30 pm. 

Class blogs are also another service Seesaw is providing us with. The purpose of these is to give the wider world a snapshot of Kaurilands classroom culture. Teachers have emailed you a direct link to your child's class blog and these blogs will be also be linked to our new website once it is complete.