Hero photograph
Photo by Trudi Biggs

Principal's Message

Jo Augustine —

Kia ora e te whānau

We made it to the end of Term 3! Congratulations to our Principal Award winners for the end of Term 3.  We are so proud of you all for being amazing Kaurilands citizens!

This term has been busy and bustling with activities as we have been opening up school more widely into the community finally! We have had trips, sports and visitors working with us.  Next term we are looking forward to offering our Adventure Afternoon programme to all children in Years 3 to 6 as well as many more varied experiences across the school. 

Congratulations to Te Whānau Āwhina for the outstanding mahi involved in preparing for the Quiz Night last Saturday.  The team worked tirelessly in preparation for the event and we are so grateful to everyone involved in raising this incredible amount of money, $10,029. This event wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of so many families and businesses from within our community.  Thank you all so much for your support!

A reminder that we have two short weeks coming up at the beginning of Term 4.  In Week 1, we have a Teacher Only Day on Friday 21 October and in Week 2, Labour Day on Monday 24 October. 

At the end of Term 4 we finish on Tuesday 20th December at 1pm.

I hope you are all able to have a restful break during the school holidays.  We will see you all on Monday 17 October!

