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Vector Epro 8 Challenge

Hannah Macpherson —

On Wednesday 14th October four of our Year 5 and 6 students took part in the Vector Epro 8 challenge.  This is a science, technology, engineering and mathematics challenge.  Each team is given a station where they have all the tools and equipment needed to complete their challenge.  These stations are filled with gears, pulleys, chains and electronics.  Lots of the parts are 3D printed as the creator of the event was unable to find the parts he specifically needed.  Our team - Alexis, Ashling, Elysse and Te Awhero built a fire truck which was able to drive forwards and backwards, had alternating flashing lights, a siren and a moveable ladder.  They came 2nd equal which was an amazing result.  Later this month they are off to compete in the semi finals.