Hero photograph
Principal Anya and Principal Eli

Principals for the day

Mrs Augustine —

Principal Anya and Principal Eli

On Friday 10th November Anya Rm 23 and Eli Rm 17 played Principals for the day.  Mum and dad placed the winning bid at one of Te Whānau Āwhina's fundraisers to obtain this prestigious role for the kids and boy did they have fun!  From sitting in Mrs Augustine's chair, putting messages over the speaker to handing out "Gotcha's" for good work, they visited the classrooms and had a very busy day in the life of a Principal!  Both joined the staff for morning tea and handed out lovely blue and pink macarons and were allowed to invite a few friends along to join them.  The staff were very happy to be given Freddo Frog chocolates from the two Principals and both agreed the office staff deserved a pay rise!