Hero photograph


Ingrid Belt —

Some of our senior students performed a play - The 3 Billy Goats Gruff - to ROOM 23.  Read what some of the actors wrote about their play.

Today I did a play for Room 23. It was called the Three Billy Goats Gruff. The Room 23 children liked our play. I was the Little Billy Goat Gruff. I think I did really well. I tricked the troll like this, “No, no, no! Don’t eat me. My big brother is coming soon. He is bigger than I am. You can eat him!”  I made a mask and I think my mask was better than the others. It was fun.

By Hae In Room 7/8

Today we did a play for Room 23. In the play I was the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff and I butted the mean old troll. I made a mask at my classroom.

By Alvin Room 1/2

Today I did a play for Room 23. In the play I was a troll and Big Billy Goat Gruff used his big horns to butt me in the water. It was fun doing the play.

By Eden Room 1/2